Automatic bookmarking of video links

Automatic bookmarking of video links

Automatic bookmarking and submission of video links

New bonus for all members: Social Submit Robot!

One of the best ways to increase your rankings with the search engines is to create back links to your website. This also works for the videos you create and place on sharing sites like You Tube.

Back links are exceptional at increasing your rankings with search engines like Google, and the best place to place those back links is on the social sites where people are already visiting. Almost anyone with a computer can submit videos to these social sites and get back links created that make the spiders tell the search engines of their presence. Almost anyone who has so much time on their hands, that is.

Establishing a large number of back links to and from social sites will increase your standing with the search engines, but it is going to take plenty of time to do this. You will need to spend a great deal of time in front of the computer establishing the links and then checking the links to make certain they work properly.

If your time is more important to you, then you can get these links established for you, for a price. You are more than likely like everyone else, watching your money, so the price part of the equation is very important.

For the same price you pay for the Article Video Robot software to convert your written articles into videos, you can also get those videos automatically submitted to the social sites. You spend no extra money and no extra time.

Your video links (including links to your YouTube uploads) will automatically be submitted to Face Book, Reddit, Digg, and at least one dozen more social submission sites at no additional cost, time or energy. Article Video Robot takes care of the transformation and then the submission. All you need to do is make a few on screen selections.

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