Record your own custom voice over in less than 3 minutes
Now you can record the voiceover for all items in your project in one go. You can use your own voice instead of a computer generated voice using your Microphone or by dialign a US Local phone number. This will help you record the voice over for an entire project in your own voice in a matter of 2-3 minutes.
Now you can quickly and easily use your own voice instead of computer generated voice for your article-videos. This provides an even more human touch to your videos and help you connect with your audience quickly.
With features like Human Intro features and themes like Whiteboard which already provide a distinct human touch to your videos, your own voice over recording will greatly help you attention grabbing videos which human touch.
The best part is that even if you don't have a Microphone on your PC, you can even record your voice-over by dialing a local USA number as well.
Record your own custom voice-over in minutes!
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