Tips to generating instant traffic through simple video submissions tweaks
Its been a while since I made a blog post on something that every one of us likes most, and that is generating traffic! Well, its been quite a work to come up with new techniques to improve traffic to your website using ArticleVideoRobot's integrated one-click video creation, video submission features and the popular ArticleReel engine. And after trying various techniques, it never hit my mind about something that I always recommend to our customers but almost forgot to write about. The technique is simple - to copy and paste your entire article (yes your full article), into the Description section of the YouTube. But hold on, the video submission wizard posts a limitation of 250 characters in the Description field so how do you paste the entire article? The answer, though stupid, is to edit the video manually (once its published to YouTube , Metacafe, DailyMotion, etc) and update the article in the Description field. Well, before I get into answering your whys, let me dive into the good things (and possibly great benefits) of putting your entire article into the Description field of your YouTube or Metacafe video.Firstly, you get to help Google have a lot of keywords that it could associate your video with. Because you have your entire article right there on the video description, you make matters easy for Google to associate search keywords/patterns to your YouTube, Metacafe or DailyMotion video (or any of the15 video sites supported by our VideoSubmitRobot). Remember that people are using more long-keyword searches which means that users are not simply entering just keywords to search in Google but instead searching entire sentences. For example, it is very common now to find people search Google using sentences like How to improve website traffic using video marketing (this definitely isn't two or three keywords but an entire sentence!). Also remember that Google gives weigthage to repeated occurances of the search phrase (or keyword or sentence, however you'd like to call) on the same page when compared to a single occurance. What this means is that posting the entire article in your video description results firstly in a rich set of keywords that Google could use to associate your video but most importantly, Google finds far many sentences(because its the entire article and not just a simple description) that is related in context to the search keyword or phrase which results in very high rankings in Google search results. Ideally, this translates to high visibility for your videos and naturally increased viewership. This directly translates into increased views for your video which inversely increases YouTube own internal association of your video (since your video enjoys high viewership and is thus ranked popular by YouTube) with a number of related keywords and phrases.
I can hear your abuses already and you have valid questions - why on earth would you use ArticleVideoRobot's automated video submission service only to end up editing the description field manually? Excellent question, but I wish the video submission API allowed us more space (the number of characters/words that is). Considering the double-effect of Google and YouTube rankings, keyword search associations and viewerships that one could leverage by simply pasting your article content in the video description, I guess its worth a deal to edit it manually. But we are not trying to escape the fact that our Description field is far limited in the amount of words it can hold at the moment. You can be sure we are trying to get this improved!