ArticleVideoRobot Tip: Use the Google Chrome plugin to remove placeholder images

ArticleVideoRobot Tip: Use the Google Chrome plugin to remove placeholder images

The New One Click Ezine Wizard lets you turn articles to video fairly quickly however there is one gotcha when using the summary, there is an option which says I want to show paragraph summaries only. The following screenshot shows how you the option under the Video Style setting

One problem that was noted was that the New One Click Ezine Wizard tends to revert to the "Headline with One Picture" paragraph instead of using the Heading Only paragraph style. When the paragraph is set to "Headline with One Picture", ArticleVideoRobot use a default placeholder image that some customers felt was not needed. More importantly, they felt having to go through the regular Full Article to Video editor to change the paragraph style manually. While the technical team began work on the fix they also suggested a workaround. The suggestion is to use the Google Chrome plugin for ArticleVideoRobot that works correctly when using the Smart Summary option. The following blog article dicusses how to use the Google Chrome plugin:

I hope the tip was useful. Should you find any other workarounds or have any suggestions, please feel free to keep us posted through our Support Desk ( and we'd be glad to assist.


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